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Let me point out this article and you look Italian Vogue in March for shooting All Beautiful! TO ALL THE BEAUTIFUL

One year

curves Italian

No Country for (sun) Veline!

in the country that coined the term "tissue" is beautiful and talented women making their way curvy to which we devote the last year photogallery
The velino television is a phenomenon all Italian indicates the trend of generalist TV using a disproportionate number of showgirls and soubrette roles in purely ornamental and the which require only the good looking.

A television messages so poor, and proposes a stereotype of women not thinking and not talking , reduced to a beautiful body, possibly a little dress. A woman with no content, only to watch. A little more than a prop, but thanks to her beauty became famous, admired and popular.

This inevitably generates, on the other side of the picture tube, a myriad of girls obsessed with the illusion of easy success and an affirmation and social work (Velino often infects politics, schools, institutions) that passes only through their external image, and then invest time, money and effort in enhancing their physical appearance. Magre, young, beautiful and perfect: this is the message the show sends daily business to the Italian women .

But look closely, there is instead a whole other world to tell . More interesting, different, more akin to those which are the needs and curiosity of real women . Fashion if they have noticed for some time, and 2010 was a year to highlight the recognized importance of the segment plus size . Now that even the entertainment world take note of this trend reversal: the curvy revolution has begun, the change is taking place.

There are already many wonderful curvy and with irony, sensuality and character have earned a space on the screen and the public acceptance . Characters who fill that deep void that exists between women real, and those represented in the media, which may not reflect the entire universe of women showing only a small, ridiculous, split.

are often a breath of fresh air in television programming, like women because they are talented men because they play up a subtle charm, sharp weapons and win with less predictable and more effective. Opposed to vellum content ( Michela Murgia ), irony ( Vanessa Incontrada , Geppi Cucciari, Maria Pia Timo, Valeria Marini, Elena Guerrini ), background ( Ilaria D'Amico ) or a physical disturbing imagery of the woman who embodies the formosa Mediterranean ( Sophia Loren before, Monica Bellucci, Sabrina Ferilli, Maria Grazia Cucinotta , Veronica Maya then ).

And we wanted to dedicate this year to Last photogallery curvy Italian and very proud of their identity not be "tissue" , hoping a year of diversity, space in all sizes, shapes, ages.
Published: December 31, 2010


  • avatar unaltradonna
    1 day ago
    a good step forward, for now - unthinkable until recently time ago. When the "curvy" will be mixed with any other will be a day of great progress for humanity.


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